Sweet Swedberg Stories

Sweet Swedberg Stories

Monday, July 5, 2010

The little things make for the best holiday celebrations!

Well i just got done folding four loads of laundry and Julian just got done beating his video game so i figured this is a good time to update our blog. Our fourth of July weekend was pretty nice. Julian had two days off of WLC for the holiday and trust me, those were two needed days off for the both of us!!

Yesterday, as i said was a pretty chill day. We got the chance to sleep in (instead of waking up at four thirty AM!!!) and woke up around eleven. We then spent a wonderful afternoon at Sara Carranza's house with some of her friends and her son, Kaine. We got a chance to BBQ and talk as the kids ran around. It was hilarious because we were all just talking and out of nowhere, here comes Kaine, completely soaking wet (not sure exactly how he got wet....lol) and covered head to toe in sand. It was the funniest thing ever. He just came over like it was no big deal to be a sand monstor and grabbed some watermelon and just started chomping down, through the sand in his mouth and everything. It was really funny!

Once we got back from Sara's house, we came back to the house and went for a run, that was interesting. To be completely honest, we both kind of forgot about fire works. It worked out though because as we ran up McKelligon Canyon and got up over the hill, you could look over El Paso and see all the different fireworks going off in multiple areas. Now that was a site to see!!

Once we got back to the apartment, i made the mistake of showing Julian the yahoo game, Typer Shark. During the summers in Holbrook, i was addicted to that game, all growing up. So I was playing it and Julian got curious. So i showed him how and we both started playing it. For almost two hours he and I played that game. He would play a level and I would play a level. It was a lot of fun but now he is just as addicted to it as I am!!

We didn't do a whole lot this fourth of July, but we had fun nevertheless. It is the little things that make the best memories!