Sweet Swedberg Stories

Sweet Swedberg Stories

Monday, May 10, 2010

You only get married once...

Who knew wedding planning was such tough stuff! I mean, from the time your two feet tall, you dream about your wedding. You think about what you want your dress to look like (although that vision has changed over the years). You imagine walking down the aisle with your daddy. You dream about what the first time you fiance sees you in your dress. You love that you are marrying your best friend and starting this new path of life without any cares in the world.

What you don't think about is al the stress of making sure everything is ready and planned for that marvelous day. I have spent the past two hours just working on a slideshow that i don't see an end to any tme soon. I have a thousand buttermints to make and endless amount of flowers that will need to be arranged the day before the wedding. I have music that still needs to be assembled. pew bows that need to be made. table number cards that need to be designed. thank you cards that need to be written. wow.

All I have to say is although I am very excited to marry my best friend and spend the rest of my life with the man that God has placed by my side, I am also glad that you only get married once. :D

1 comment:

  1. When is your beautiful wedding??? If its not to late and if you still have room for two more people my husband and I would love to have an invite! I haven't seen you in forever and I would love to come to your wedding! I totally understand if it is family only. Do you have a reception? I am sooo happy for you! marriage is sooo awesome! Congrats!
